Decisions about your future care caused by illness, injury, disability, condition or disease is often left to families, friends and Care Providers. The problem with this is approach are as follows:

  1. A family member or friend may have no experience of the care system or understanding of how you would like to be cared for.
  2. A family member or friend may be emotionally challenged due to personal attachment and may have feelings of guilt. 
  3. A Care Provider knows their care provision but has little or no knowledge of you and what you would want.
  4. An individual with memory loss issues may struggle to make decisions for themselves and this would mean their opinions wouldn't be accepted.

When you need support or a care package you want to make sure that it is built around what you want and not what others think you would like.  Imagine how you would feel to be faced with food you don't like, entertainment you don't enjoy or even clothes that you do not want to wear.  Your opinion counts every step of the way and Preparing 4 CARE forces people to listen to you even if you have lost the ability to tell them your wants and needs.  We need to change the way that care is delivered worldwide and always ensure that you are at the forefront of every decision.

How it works

Our Solution

Below are just 2 reasons why Preparing 4 CARE is so important for you and your future care: -

  1. If you stopped eating then a care provider may access the 'food section' of your Preparing 4 CARE Personal care profile. By doing this the care provider will know whether the food is what you like or dislike and then adjust the menu to suit you.
  2. Some people like a TV in the bedroom and some don't, this would be listed in the 'entertainment section' of your Personal Care Profile. This information can be checked by the care provider and they make the necessary adjustments to the bedroom and remove the TV if necessary.  Making simple changes to your own environment will make such a difference to your care.

Giving the care providers confidence that the care they are providing a service that you have told them you would like will massively improve your life in their care.

Remember to try and involve family and friends in completing your profile so that when the time comes, they will know where to find your needs and wishes.

Our Solution
for Individuals
for Family & Friends
for Care Professionals
1. Register & Get Started

To register for a Preparing 4 CARE personal care profile, you just need to click on any 'register here' button on this web site.  You will then be taken to a page that has 2 buttons:

  1. Send Login link. This button is not used until you have registered, once you have completed your registration then this will be the link to log back into your profile.
  2. Register and Get Started.  This is the button you need to press to register 100% free of charge.  

You will then be taken to a page that asks for your name, your email address and a postcode (not your full address).  At this point we recommend that you tick the 'Newsletter' box and this means that we will send you useful information on events and services in your area.  Now just simply click the 'Create Account' button.

That's it, you are ready to complete your personal care profile and an e mail will be sent to your account to confirm that it is you.  Once confirmed you will be brought back to our website and you can start answering the questions and build your profile.  Very easy.

2. Build Your Personal Care Profile.

Now you will be brought back to our web site and you can start to build your personal care profile.  You will have multiple different categories to answer about things such as foods, drink, entertainment and so on.  Each category has up to 13 simple questions about the subject and each category should take about 15 minutes to complete.  Once you have completed a category, you will be asked to take a break so that you can take your time and remember that you can come back to this at any point.

Please don't forget to ask your family for support when filling the questions in as there isn't anything that you wouldn't want a loved one to know.  By involving your family, you will take away some of their fear that you may need care in the future and recognise that you want the best care available.

Remember all the information that you supply is protected and confidential until the point that you need support from the care industry.

3. Assign a Family Member or Friend to be your executor

We need to make sure that, when the time comes, the information is made available to a care provider so that they can build your care package around you. Therefore we have designed the site so that YOU make the decision who will give permission to your future care provider to access your personal care profile.

You will be asked to assign a family member, friend, solicitor or doctor as your executor.  Whoever you assign will then be able to grant your future care provider access to your Personal care profile, should you lose the ability to grant permission yourself. 

It really is this simple but also so vital to ensure that you are given the respect that you deserve and care provided will be built around you.

4. Receive Care Tailored to You

Care providers have a duty to provide the highest standards and quality of care possible. Preparing 4 CARE ensures that they have the information to do this.  Your future care will then be tailored around the answers that you have given and this in-turn will ensure that you have the best outcomes for you.

There are so many ways in which Preparing 4 CARE can help Health Care Providers meet your wishes and give you the quality of life that you want.

Your role as a family member, LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) or trusted person, is one of the most privileged positions a person who may need future care can give.  Your friend or family member has given you authority to be able to grant their future Care Provider access to the personal care profile.   You will also be able to add information should any of their wishes change. You will not be able to change the original answers, however, any updates will appear as additional comments.  Preparing 4 CARE acts as an information hub where you will be able to access information on the latest research, industry news , products, services and a directory of Care Providers.  

The benefits for you include:-

  1. You will be able to grant Care Providers access to your loved ones personal care profile.
  2. You will be able to know that the care provided is tailored the person.
  3. You will have a point of reference should important care decisions need to be made.
  4. You will be safe in the knowledge that your loved ones voice is being heard, even if they lose the ability to communicate for themselves.
  5. You have the option to receive our quarterly newsletter.
  6. You will have access to local and national information regarding Care Providers and related services.

Health Care Professionals must build their services around an individual’s needs. To achieve this, you will need to determine their likes, dislikes, wishes and preferences. The challenge, however, is that in most cases you only get to communicate with the individual at the time they actually need your care.  By then the Individual may lack the capacity to communicate effectively. You will then be reliant on either a family member, LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) or trusted person to provide this key information.  A number of factors, (including the emotional challenges these people may face) could make this information unreliable and against the wishes of the individual themselves. Preparing4care can bridge the gap between family members, the person requiring care and yourself.  The benefits for you include:-

  1. You will be able to ensure that the provision of care meets the wishes of the individual.
  2. You will be able to use the Preparing4Care Personal Reference Guide to help in discussions with families.
  3. You will be able to update (not change) information should the needs or wishes of the individual change.
  4. You will be able to ensure that foods, environment, entertainment etc. meets the wishes of the individual.
  5. You may be able to reduce costs associated with things such as food and drink, as wastage will be minimised.
  6. Preparing4Care helps you build bridges with families by easing some of the associated guilt when a loved one enters the care system.
  7. You will be able to help staff relate to the individual and build healthier relationships.
  8. Your team should be less stressed and staff retention rates may improve.
  9. You will be able to access further information about products and services related to the care industry.
We Need Your Help!!!

Preparing 4 CARE has the potential to change the care system for everyone. So many families are feeling guilty about an important person in their lives having a need for short term or long term care.The fact remains that there are thousands of people needing support and with an aging population this need is going to grow.  

Important decisions are being made every day about people in the care system and in most cases, these decisions are being made by care professionals that have little or no knowledge of the person.  We need to empower people to make decisions about how they are cared for in the future, we need to take away the guilt of families that are making decisions and not knowing if it is what the person would like and we need to focus on simple adjustments to improve everyone's lives.

So, we need your help in telling everyone about this 100% free service, we need you to spread the word to others in your community or family networks.  It may be too late for some that are already in the care system, but whatever age you are wouldn't you like to know that your opinions, needs and voice will always be at the forefront of the care that you may someday need.

Register & Get Started