The Dictionary
- Unlike any other platform, the dementia dictionary is bringing the global community of dementia interpreters together.
- You will be connected to people in America, Australia, Canada and many other countries as Preparing4 Care rolls out.
- This means that they can learn from you and you can learn from them.
- You will collectively shape the dementia landscape.
The Website
Unlike any other website, the content of the Dementia Dictionary will be built by the Dementia Interpreters and therefore will not be one person or organisations opinion.
Everyone that is involved in the Dementia Interpreters Forum will have a connection to people with dementia.
Whether you are kitchen staff, a cleaner, maintenance person, administration staff, care staff, nurses, doctors and so on, your voice will be heard and your opinions and knowledge will always count.
You will be recognised for your sharing of knowledge because you work or live with people who have dementia.
The Search Engine
Works the same as google and other search engines.
You type in a behaviour, action, noise, situation or challenge that you are searching for answers on and it will search for them.
Unlike other search engines, it will only search the content of the Dementia Dictionary.
This means that everything they read will be by Dementia Interpreters.
This will then mean that families or professionals can have clarity and answers to better care for the people they support.
We recognise that everyone with dementia is different and therefore there will be multiple definitions and responses for people to try.
This means that what works for one person, may not work for another.
Therefore, there will be more than one answer to a search so that if the first advise doesn’t work then they can then try the next until they find the answer that works for the person that they support.
The Forum
- You will have your own profile.
- You will be a professional or Community Dementia Interpreter dependent on the course you took.
- You will be able to tell people about you, why your passionate about dementia.
- You will be able to find discussions that you have been involved in previously or be able to search for new and existing discussions.
- You will be able to use this to showcase you and improve career opportunities.
Becoming a dementia interpreter is a 5-stage qualification and you will have to fulfil and meet the requirements of each stage. Along the way, you will be rewarded for your commitment and will be recognised for each achievement level. Once you have become a fully qualified, level 5 interpreter, you will have met and developed your skills to the highest standards, however this is a lifelong commitment and you will have to continually increase knowledge to support everyone.
The Interpreter
To become a dementia interpreter, you will have to be committed to improving, understanding, researching and sharing new methods and best practice for the good of all.
Being named forever as a person that has helped to build the content of the dementia dictionary is a goal that everyone who works within care wants to achieve.
We all have a responsibility to improve understanding and this portal will change the lives of millions of people across the world that will be able to access it and improve their situation.
The Course
The Dementia Dictionary (Launching December In the UK and America) is a ‘world first’ and will be a freely accessible service for anyone who wants to be able to interpret classic behaviours, actions and wording to start to be able to communicate with people who have dementia.
Both the Dementia Interpreters Course and the Dementia Dictionary will work together seamlessly continuously growing with new knowledge. This will include free ongoing modules covering many different areas and methods of communication.