Statement from our CEO Glenn Knight.
Have you thought about what might happen if you needed support from the care Industry?
No one wants to think that one day you may need the support of the care industry, however for most of us this is a reality. Care can be broken down into many areas, the obvious such as care homes, hospitals or homecare and the not so obvious such as family, friends or maybe neighbour support. So, if you needed this support, how could you ensure that the care provided is how you would like it, that your voice will always be heard and is delivered in a way that you want?
In the past it was widely reported that care provision was built around the needs of the staff and provider rather than the person due to multiple people using the service. With many people to support, it has always been challenging to have an environment that suited everyone and staff that understood what every individual needs are. Today we are lucky enough to live in a world that the care industry recognises the need for a person-centric approach which means that care is built around you as an individual.
To make this approach work we need to understand your needs, what you like and dislike, times you like to do things and the best environment for you. How can anyone build a service around you if they don't know you. Some will say that they ask family members, but does this work? do you know everything that your mother or father likes and dislikes? if you were asked to make important decisions about them, would you be confident enough to answer and get it right? Would you feel guilty if you got it wrong?
Preparing 4 CARE takes away the fear of getting it wrong, ensures that the care is built around you personally and not what might be convenient to all and ensure that throughout your care and whatever stage of care you are receiving, your voice will always be heard.
Training 2 CARE Group of companies are committed to improving the standards of care for everyone. I am proud to be able to give you this 100% free service that will make your future care the best it can be.